Thursday, August 9, 2007

Essential Oils and Autism

It's amazing how many children today are diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. My son happens to be one of them. At this writing, he's 2 years old and 28 months. We're fortunate that he only seems to be affected mildly. He isn't speaking. Well, he isn't speaking in English as well know it; he seems to have his own language. He is very intelligent though. He knows all his numbers up to 20 and all of the letters both lower case and upper case. He also can spell his name using blocks and also typing it out on the computer. His physical skills are excellent too. He can throw pretty accurately and he jumps on the skill level of a 4 year old.

One of his issues is sleep, or lack of it. He doesn't need much sleep. Never has. When he was an infant, he never got to the point of sleeping through the entire night. Actually, he never slept through the entire night until he turned 2. Because of this, I decided to go back to using essential oils. I find that if I diffuse lavender or Young Living's Peace and Calming blend, it provides a calming atmosphere before bedtime. I also apply a few drops to the bottom of his feet of either lavender or the Peace and Calming. He sleeps through the night nicely now!

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